What Do You Care About?
What do you care about?
I was looking through some programming for nutrition and exercise when I came across a coach who I seemed to resonate with. She said it like it was, there was no actual sugar coating and I thought this is great, something I’m used and have done before. I went to the website, gathered information, signed up for some of her videos just to gain a sense of if the program she was offering would be a good fit for me. Then she messaged me, asking what I was looking for and how she could make things simple, including achieving my goals. For those who know me, nutrition and exercise has been a 20 year process of finding diets, working with life changing coaches and then battling life challenges just to be searching again.
So here I am, chatting with this coach and it becomes clear that I am resisting. In my usual manner, I know I’m at an 8/10 so I express that. The statement that comes back to me has me held in a temporary state of umm…. The statement was “If you don’t care to reach your goals…you’re not ready for the program.”
That quickly put me on defense, but within a few seconds I was questioning that defense and why the words ‘you don’t care to reach your goals’ made such an impact. I’m sure the defense mechanism that appeared wanted to know how she knew I didn’t care to reach my goals. I’m also sure I projected a bit of ‘who do you think you are’ as well. Such juicy stuff right?
What is great about this whole process is acknowledging the statement with curiosity and what an opportunity to dig in. From personal development to going back to school to learning so much about myself, this still came up for me.
Then came the digging. Do I care to reach my goals? What the heck are my goals? And do I care about them or did I make them just to make them. What is my process, and will I follow through.
The beginning of this year, I made some really concrete goals. I’m happy to report I successfully completed each goal right up to June of this year. Then I took a break, and started to procrastinate, take on more responsibilities in my professional life and goals became a word I used for the future. When the fall hits, I’ll…. Next year I’ll pursue….
As October arrived, I decided that I needed goals to keep moving me forward. However, what I’ve learned with making goals is that the ‘why’ and the discipline (not motivation) are what is going to keep me moving. So, now, I am diving into what goals do I want to achieve before the end of the year. As well, as being grateful for a statement that has allowed me to refocus and prioritize goals I care about reaching.
What goals do you need to achieve, that you really care about?