Truest Reflections

Turn the Dial

Starting the day with a great breakfast, means sometimes toasting my usual ancient grains bread to have with a lovely dollop of peach jam.  I put the bread into the toaster, excited for my tasty breakfast and pushed the button down, as I had thousands of times before.  After about 45 seconds the toast pops […]

Time to Change Direction

It is a new day, a new month and the beginning of a new year. How much more of a clean slate can there be? But in order to know the slate is clean, is fresh and ready for new items to be put upon it, I still have to remember, think about and reflect […]

Start With Gratitude

We talked about changing directions in January. How do we change directions? What do we need in order to make a change… the right change? I think it starts with the fact that we are thinking…enough! I can’t keep going down the same road expecting to not arrive at the same place I’ve been driving […]