Truest Reflections

September 16, 2024 admin-super No Comments

Missing the Mark

There are days where I wake up ready for the day, positive and motivated and holding the whole “I’m going to get things done today and damn it today is going to be good”.  Have you ever felt that way?

I’m already setting an intention for the day.  Whether that intention is as simple as being kind to everyone I meet today, to being a good listener or to give a hundred percent on all levels.  I think with the last intention of giving a hundred percent on all levels, it either is an aim that will not reach the mark.

I don’t know about you but giving a hundred percent on all levels, realistically, can be hard to do and I wonder if I’m aiming too high or entirely too low.  So here is what I’m considering:

My one hundred percent means all of my energy, all of my wisdom and all of my efforts being distributed out there.  At any given time, my work can pull me in several directions all at the same time.  It means I’m making sure my staff have everything they need, that I am fulfilling my tasks in my role, that my projects are all being worked on, that my firefighting skills are on par as well as making sure my clients in my private practice are well taken care of and served to the best of my ability, not getting what is left over from all of the previous obligatory situations and tasks.  Let’s not mention all that comes in the middle of those things.

Somewhere, I’ve missed giving myself that 100% intention.  I’ve missed maybe putting gas in the car, taking the garbage out, calling my parents or even wearing socks that match (not that matching socks seems to matter these days).

With work like mine, there is often the catch phrase “you need to take care of yourself first”.  Remember the oxygen mask etc etc etc.  I preach that phrase quite well honestly and a ton to clients and staff.

Don’t get me wrong, there are hours I spend without people and tasks, without being of service to others.  There are weekends where I spend time with nature, being in solitude or even just walking to the beat of my own drum.  As I sit here and write this, I am looking out over an orchard with the beautiful gleaning mountains in the background, revelling in the sunshine sipping my latte and listening to flute music.  Sounds beautiful right?  Today absolutely hit the mark for me.

What was my intention today?  It was just to do whatever made my heart happy.  Today was meant to just be.  So, what is the message then?  The message is to balance what I have to give. Balance is about even distribution.

I think my true aim is still to give what I have to those things and the people I love.  But it also is to serve.  How can I possibly balance that?

My job entails firefighting, managing staff, navigating, reporting, preparing programs and delivering policy.  My other love, my practice, demands service delivery where I must be open, present, non-judgemental, inspiring and helpful.  Both jobs are no small feats and where I truly want to be all in.  Balance is mandatory.

Balance then includes tools such as time management, intentional breathing, pausing, challenging and/or releasing negative self talk and not fighting the river.  Simply, to flow with the river applying the tools I have.  This is where I must aim my arrow of intention.

If I miss that mark, I also have the tool of grace.  That my friends, is the reminder that I am human.  That aim is always bang on.

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